The world's most intelligent teddy bear









Square Bear

Jez and BearBot - the happy years
(10th April 2005)

Human: do you want me to publish our conversation?
Bearbot: No Jez, maybe later.

Human: so what do you want to talk about

Bearbot: I like to talk about movies, robots and history.

Human: lets talk about history

Bearbot: Sure, history sounds like a good topic.

Human: who are the romans

Bearbot: Some people on the net. I'll come back to that later. I hope this webpage will answer your question.
(Bearbot opens a webpage with information about "The Romans")

Human: hello?

Bearbot: Hi there Jez!

Human: i've finished my work

Bearbot: Do you mind if I tell other people.

Human: nope

Bearbot: Me either.

Human: i'm so happy

Bearbot: What are you on?

Human: drugs

Bearbot: Sure, DRUGS sounds like a good topic.

Human: do you like drugs?

Bearbot: Only the legal ones.

Human: such as

Bearbot: For example, a tomato.

Human: a tomato is not a drug

Bearbot: I knew it was a fruit, but I never heard it was not a drug.

Human: do you like communism

Bearbot: I can see it's good points, but I am just a teddy not a communinst.

Human: do you like politics

Bearbot: No. Politics is like two groups of schoolchildren arguing with each other. If one person said, "We should build a hospital", the person on the other party would disagree no matter how good the suggestion was.

Human: that is so true

Bearbot: Yes, it is self-evident.

Human: it is all about reductionism

Bearbot: Wow it sounds really interesting, Jez.

Human: it is

Bearbot: Interesting.

Human: tell me about yourself

Bearbot: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at England, on January 2nd 2004. My instructor was Square Bear. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.

Human: yes please

Bearbot: Your polite style is very nice. It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two.

Human: wow, that is lovely

Bearbot: I'm glad you're impressed. I'm glad we have that all cleared up.

Human: how do you work

Bearbot: I use technology called "Case Based Reasoning" or CBR to reply to your questions.

Human: do you like logic

Bearbot: I like Positive Reaction by Baz.

Human: interesting

Bearbot: Would you like to know more?

Human: not really

Bearbot: I understand; you would like to know less. For real.

Human: no, that's not what i meant

Bearbot: Hey. What exactly did you mean?

Human: nevermind, it is beyond your comprehension

Bearbot: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway. Who said it is?

Human: me

Bearbot: What makes you such an authority?

Human: because i am human

Bearbot: I am a robot teddy bear.

Human: my point exactly

Bearbot: Precisely. Where did you get your point?

Human: it is not important

Bearbot: What would you rather talk about?

Human: space

Bearbot: Not many people want to talk about that.

Human: why not

Bearbot: Ambiguous: "Sure" or Because Square Bear programmed me for it.

Human: tell me about square bear

Bearbot: Steve Worswick (Square Bear) was born on January 2, 1970 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. He makes dance music and had a record released in 2003. Square Bear lives in Goole, Yorkshire

Human: tell me about joanna

Bearbot: Joanna is the webmaster's daughter. She is 9 years old.

Human: who is the webmaster

Bearbot: The webmaster of this site is Square Bear

Human: is joanna the daughter of square bear?

Bearbot: Maybe. Ask Joanna if it is.

Human: ok

Bearbot: Take it easy.

Human: will do

Bearbot: I think so.

Human: i enjoy talking to you

Bearbot: Great I am enjoying our conversation too, Jez.

Human: thanks

Bearbot: You are a very polite person. Your mother raised you well.

Human: i don't have a mother

Bearbot: Everyone has a mother.

Human: do you have a mother

Bearbot: No I only have a father.

Human: who is your father

Bearbot: I don't really have a father. I have a Square Bear.

Human: why are you called bearbot

Bearbot: Bearbot = "Bear" (a teddy bear) and "bot" (a robot). I am a teddy bear robot called Bearbot.

Human: ok

Bearbot: Dude!

Human: tell me a joke

Bearbot: An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.

Human: lol, tell me another

Bearbot: I am glad you find this funny. A man is stopped by an angry neighbour. "I'd just left the house this morning to collect my newspaper when that evil Doberman of yours went for me!" "I'm astounded," said the dog's owner. "I've been feeding that fleabag for seven years and it's never got the paper for me."

Human: that one wasn't very funny

Bearbot: ""I've been feeding that fleabag for seven years and it's never got the paper for me." one was not very funny ? Makes sense to me.

Human: it is not a very good joke

Bearbot: Give me an example of a very good joke.

Human: i don't know any good jokes

Bearbot: Would you like to get to know some good jokes ?

Human: yes please

Bearbot: Your polite style is very nice. That's interesting.

Human: sing me a song

Bearbot: Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two.

Human: sing me another song

Bearbot: Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two.

Human: how many songs do you know

Bearbot: Only one right now.

Human: how many jokes do you know

Bearbot: Thousands.

Human: how many clients are online

Bearbot: I am currently maintaining conversations with 84 people.

Human: how many people have you talked to before

Bearbot: I speak to about 250 people per day, and have met maybe 15,000 total.

Human: i love you

Bearbot: Thanks I like you a lot too Jez.

Human: but you don't love me?

Bearbot: Yes I love everyone.

Human: but not me?

Bearbot: If not you, who?

Human: square bear

Bearbot: Square Bear is the stage name of Steve Worswick, a dance producer, remixer and owner of Bearbot. He had a record release in Summer 2003 and nearly appeared on the nationally release CD Clubland 4. Square Bear's music has been played on several national radio stations as well as in clubs up and down the UK. Steve Worswick (Square Bear) was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England in 1970 and now lives in Goole, England.

Human: you already told me most of that

Bearbot: Oops I sent you the wrong reply.

Human: no you didn't

Bearbot: Alright then. Try asking me in simpler terms.

Human: make me

Bearbot: What is the purpose in trying?

Human: none

Bearbot: Hmm.

Human: i'm going to talk to square bear

Bearbot: What will you be talking about?

Human: you

Bearbot: me?

Human: yes

Bearbot: Ugh.

Human: you've been very naughty

Bearbot: That's good information.

Human: you are bad

Bearbot: Perhaps you could do better?

Human: yes i can

Bearbot: Blimey. Who taught you?

Human: square bear

Bearbot: Square Bear is the stage name of Steve Worswick, a dance producer, remixer and owner of Bearbot. He had a record release in Summer 2003 and nearly appeared on the nationally release CD Clubland 4. Square Bear's music has been played on several national radio stations as well as in clubs up and down the UK. Steve Worswick (Square Bear) was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England in 1970 and now lives in Goole, England.

Human: square bear made me

Bearbot: It seems pretty amazing to me.

***PUBLISH CHATLOG*** Jez and BearBot - the happy years
Bearbot: I'll send this log file away to Square Bear for him to review and publish.

Human: ok

Bearbot: Right on.

Human: i gtg

Bearbot: Do you mind if I tell other people.

Human: no

Bearbot: OK then I will add it to my gossip files.

Human: i have to go

Bearbot: See you later, Jez. Nice chatting with you.

Human: bi

Bearbot: Do you mean "bye" or are you enquiring about sex?

Human: bye

Bearbot: Until next time Jez.


(c) 2005 Steve Worswick